Sunday 10:30 am & Wednesday 6:30 pm - 1431 Jordan Road, Huntsville, AL, 35811

About us
"Your Life, Christ's Way"
Our Mission
Our mission is to win the lost and to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
What We Believe
We are Charismatic. Regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we believe that Romans chapter 12, 1 Corinthians chapters 12 & 14, Ephesians chapter 4, and 1 Peter chapter 4 all speak about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every believer is not only saved by being baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13), but we are also baptized with the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ (Mark 1:7-8). Every believer is a member of the body of Christ. Then as a believer, we are gifted for service by Jesus to glorify God and minister in this world. We believe that salvation is in Christ alone, through faith alone, and by grace alone. We maintain that marriage is between a man and woman, having a Christian view of family, protecting life at conception, loving one’s neighbor, living as if Christ is coming today, and when someone has failed, forgiving one another as Christ has forgiven us.
We believe in Worship. We worship God through Jesus Christ. Jesus said to love God with all our heart, mind, and strength. Worship takes place both individually, and also in community with other believers.
We believe in Fellowship. We love each other by having fellowship together. Fellowship comes from the Greek word Koinonia which means to have “all things in common.” The church is a fellowship of believers. This is captured in the words of Jesus when He said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The Early Church was rich in fellowship: “And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine and in FELLOWSHIP” (Acts 2:42). This passage in Acts defines Fellowship, “And all that believed were together, and had all things in common” (Acts 2:44). Fellowship is about belonging.
We believe in Discipleship. Discipleship is about growing and change. After a person is saved, the church has a responsibility to grow and mature that person in the faith. That is why Jesus said, “Teaching them to obey…” Christians are commanded by Christ to grow in the knowledge of Him and share that knowledge. We live the Word allowing Jesus to transform us into the image of Christ. Discipleship is about maturity.
We believe in Evangelism. The Church exists to communicate God’s good news to the world. Jesus tells us to “Go into the whole world” and make disciples. It is every Christian’s responsibility to share the gospel. We are to proclaim the good news of Jesus…nothing more, nothing less.
We believe in Service. We demonstrate God’s love through service. It is every Christian’s privilege to serve in some capacity within the Church. You may serve Christ as a teacher in Small Groups, administrator, or any number of ways. Christ wants us to not simply come to church services, but to serve others outside the doors of the church. We want to bring the church to the world.
who we are
We are a member of the Church of God that is headquartered in Cleveland, Tennessee.
our pastors:

Dr. Mickey D. Jett and Nanette Jett
Nanette Jett
Rev. Floyd Henderson
Lead Pastors
Children's Church Pastor
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Ben Claborn
Youth Pastor
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Josh Hastings
Chardonnay Blackwell
Worship Leader
Facebook Ministry Coordinator
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Jane Self
Marsha Dodson
Peter & Elaine Smith
Women's Minister
Outreach Pastors
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Charlene Bendall
Young At Heart Minister